COG Register Tool¶
The register
tool is a tool within the Cogee CLI for registering assets from a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket into a Google Earth Engine (GEE) collection. This tool streamlines the process of ingesting geospatial data assets into GEE for analysis and visualization.
Key Features¶
Asset Registration: Easily register assets from a GCS bucket into a specified GEE collection, making them accessible for GEE operations.
Subfolder Support: Optionally specify a subfolder within the GCS bucket to register assets from. This allows for organized asset management.
Asset Limit: Set a maximum number of assets to register, useful for controlling the size of your GEE collection.
Service Account Integration: Authenticate with GEE using a service account for secure asset registration.
cogee register --bucket BUCKET --collection COLLECTION [--prefix PREFIX] [--limit LIMIT] [--cred CRED] [--account ACCOUNT]
Required Arguments¶
--bucket BUCKET
: Specify the name of the Google Cloud Project bucket containing the assets you want to register. -
--collection COLLECTION
: Provide the path to the GEE collection where the assets will be registered.
Optional Arguments¶
--prefix PREFIX
: Optionally specify a subfolder within the GCS bucket to register assets from. -
--limit LIMIT
: Set a limit on the maximum number of assets to register. Useful for controlling collection size. -
--cred CRED
: Path to the Credentials JSON file for the service account to authenticate with GEE. -
--account ACCOUNT
: Service account email address for authentication.
Example Usage¶
cogee register --bucket my-google-bucket --collection users/myuser/mycollection --prefix mysubfolder --limit 100 --cred path/to/credentials.json --account [email protected]
This command registers assets from the "mysubfolder" subfolder in the "my-google-bucket" GCS bucket into the "users/myuser/mycollection" GEE collection, limiting the registration to 100 assets and authenticating with the specified service account.
Created: 2023-09-29